Friday, February 17, 2017

Critical Importance of Personal Financial Education

I still cannot believe that our public schools completely ignore teaching peronal financial management.  I feel that this is the greatest intergenerational disservice we can possibly dump on our youth.  It would be appropriate for parents to provide their childen with these tools, but the truth is that the majority of adults do not have a strong grasp of these detrimental life skills.  Instead, we all stumble along, repeatedly losing and wasting.  Some folks eventually learn to do better, but the majority fall prey to the teachings of the system.  Just look at how many commercials promote checking your credit score.  People don't understand that a credit score is nothing more than a debt rating and we should not be in a race to carry greater debt.  Instead, we must each learn to live within our own means and then pass on that knowledge to as may other people, adults and children alike, as we possibly can.  The system is set up to enslave us all in a lifetime pattern of debt.  Just look at the massive amount of money the government will loan to young people who want to go to college.  My belief is that this is nothing more than a huge conspiracy to draw in young, ignorant people and attach them to a lifetime of paying debt service to the masters who run the system.  What other reason can you give me for the student loan program to deliver such incredible sums of money to people with no job, no assets, no work history and nothing at all to serve as collateral.  It is imperative that we cease this destructive cycle.

First Published February 17, 2017 at:

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