Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens is the Wrong Way to Go

The proposed fix to our nation's immigration system is extremely flawed and is absolutely the wrong thing for our country. Giving amnesty, by any name, to illegal immigrants is wrong. By sanctioning illegal entry or visa overstays we will be rewarding criminal acts. This runs counter to what should be our goal of a more orderly, law abiding society.

Teaching the people that you are inviting to become our nation's newest citizens that it is healthy and acceptable to display disrespect and distain for the rule of law is a dangerously harmful precedent to establish.

At the same time your actions are showing those who have spent careers attempting to enforce laws that their time has been wasted and their choice of careers quite dishonorable. Additionally it is a slap in the face of legal immigrants and those who have invested considerable time and effort with a dream of coming to the United States of America.

Sufficient laws exist to prevent illegal entry, remove illegal aliens, punish employers and to imprison those who abuse and traffic illegal aliens. We require no new legislation. What we are in dire, desperate need of are politicians and leaders willing to enforce these existing laws.

Don't be fooled by the ridiculous claims that enforcement of laws are meant to only target certain races. Laws are not discriminatory. You cannot expect to board a train without a ticket or visit some other country without proper visas and travel documents. Why should we use different standards? Open or extremely porous borders are a weakness. At a time of war it is unbelievably disastrous that nothing greater has been done to secure our homeland.

What is the next step in this path? Will our political representatives decide to close all of our prisons and release into the communities all convicted criminals for the reason that punishment doesn't seem to have stymied the level of criminal activity? Maybe simply forgiving them of their crimes, pointing them to the door and welcoming their integration into our population will work better. By those standards I guess we just have to issue an apology for our enforcement actions along with a friendly pat on the back and everyone will begin to behave appropriately.

Washington…..wake up from this dream and stop trying to lead us in the wrong direction with your distractive tactics.

Citizens…..pay attention to the issues, listen to what your representatives are really saying and keep a close watch on what they are really doing.

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