Friday, June 3, 2005

Felt's Revelations Violate FBI Oath

So this fragile old man near the end of his life finally is provoked by money-grubbing family members to reveal himself as the infamously anonymous "Deep Throat." Once again he plods from his little corner of obscurity for reasons purely personal.

A dishonorable former federal agent who was incapable of compliance with his oath of office now faces our nation with an ignorantly shameless smile. Even the most junior agent in the FBI on his very first day with the agency is entrusted with only one initial duty. That assignment is to honor the oath of office. Sure, our nation's values have dropped enough in the past 30 years, so I guess he finally felt the atmosphere was ripe to welcome another turncoat into the public eye.

I feel it is necessary to clear the confusion about Mr. Felt being called a whistle-blower. This term became prominent 20 years ago and is used for those persons who valiantly and selflessly step forward, at their own personal and professional risk, to reveal some sordid truth that has not been properly addressed through internal channels. Like a referee blowing a whistle, this action is taken publicly to draw attention, stop the game, and proclaim a foul. Whistle-blowing is not done anonymously through secret liaisons and cryptic communications.

Double agents are usually motivated by money, recognition or revenge. The FBI's Robert Hanssen and the CIA's Aldrich Ames were motivated by money. NIS's Pollard began stealing secrets as an unsatisfied and disgruntled employee, and then later became hooked on the money. It appears that Mark Felt began with spite and has now moved on in search of recognition while in the pursuit of monetary gain.

Mr. Felt is perched on the final edge of his life, yet he now provides yet another disservice to those who trust him most now. As he thrusts his cloak of dishonor over the confused heads of his heirs, he may now step shamefully into the abyss of afterlife that awaits him. Let's hope that we can successfully sue his estate for the wrongful government pension he has quietly stolen these past several years.

Published in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on June 9, 2005.

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