Saturday, March 12, 2005

Stay Informed & Stay Involved

Sure, the presidential election has passed and we still have a little time before the mid-term elections in 2006, but while a little well-earned celebration is both permitted and encouraged, we cannot take to our laurels and expect this rising tide of change to continue its conservative swell without our active involvement. Being involved means staying aware of current issues, maintaining the contacts you made during the frenzied run-up to election 2004 as well as actively promoting the spread of your conservative values.

If you are not already a member in one of the many Republican Clubs across South Florida, then join one (or more) of them today. Get involved, attend meetings and social gatherings, share your ideas and listen to others. Learn about local issues and candidates that will most likely have more significant and more immediate affects on your life.

Contributions are always valuable, but do not necessarily have to be monetary. Volunteer your time for local candidates and ensure your voice is heard on local and state issues. Write letters to your congressional representatives, senators and national leaders. The sharing of your opinion through letters to the editor, to elected leaders, or through your own blog is especially important in overwhelmingly liberal South Florida. Fly the U.S. Flag on your home and car, post bumper stickers and magnets in support of our homeland's defense, national unity and important issues.

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