Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Vote Responsibly

Many people are faced with a very difficult decision in this year's presidential election. Three years after 9/11 they have regressed easily into the comfort zone of daily life in the USA. Any notion of a pre-emptive action to prevent additional terrorist attacks in our homeland has been eroded by the massive flooding of second-guessing. Additionally, there is a general acceptance by many that we probably deserved the attacks and that terror is something that we can more easily live with than confront.

Like their initial revulsion at the 9/11 attacks, their support for George W. Bush too has waned. Neither are they experiencing any excitement over the John Kerry candidacy.

While the current political system extremely limits the options of the American voter, it is important for these people to remember that our system also does not allow for a vote against a candidate. Your only option is to vote for one of them or to make your statement by not voting at all.

If you are one of these undecided people then you still have time to read, research and educate yourself on the issues and records of the candidates. You already know what issues are important to you and your family. It is now of great importance to know what you are voting for, rather than what you think you may be voting against. Your vote is valuable and you should not cast it lightly.

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