Thursday, August 26, 2004

Can You Understand the Hate?

I've been to multiple chat rooms (some political and others not) and my pro-Bush screen name regularly attracts both attention and attack. The many dozens of people I have talked with have unanimously proven themselves completely incapable of participating in a civilized discussion. They are all quite prolific in their repetition of curse words, anti-Bush slogans, name calling, and their employment of tactical evasion of relevance when involved in discussion. They often begin by attempting to bait me with questions such as "do you really support Bush", "what do you think of the situation in Iraq"' or "how come you Americans are so barbaric and can support a president who alienates the entire world"? "Even Christians around the world think the war is wrong and that their belief in peace is the answer."

My answers are usually brief and to the point because it doesn't take much to tell you why I support President Bush George W. Bush and our war on terrorism. Our current president has been faced with incredible challenges that no other American president has ever had to deal with. I support President Bush because he has made these decisions in the face of incredible challenges and taken decisive action that he thought would preserve this great nation and protect my children's future. On top of that, he made those difficult decisions without regard to his own political future but with the patriotic desire to do his presidential duties and defend our nation, constitution and way of life.

Concerning Iraq, we did what we had to do faced with the information we had. I support preemptive action to protect and preserve my nation and family. I was devastated by the horribly evil attacks we suffered on September 11, 2001. In no way at all can I believe that we "deserved it," and I have no desire to ever see anything like that again in our homeland. The poor quality of the worldwide intelligence community was an atrocious failure. As the richest and most powerful nation on Earth, we should have led the way rather than fall embarrassingly on our faces in our gathering of information.

I support peace as well. I share in the Christian belief of peace. And I know that our goal is always peace. But peace only works in a society that respects it. Unfortunately a belief alone provides no protection. Peace is a cooperative effort. The USA has always followed a procedure of preemptive peace. But once it is violated, what do you do next? Peace can only be done proactively but really serves no useful purpose reactively. I mean, explain to me how you react peacefully to unwarranted aggression: to surprise attacks on non-combatants; to the killing of little children and innocent men and women in their homes and offices? Exactly how is self-defense barbaric? The United States has always been the home of the most humane warriors in history. We capture rather than kill, disarm rather than fight, negotiate rather than attack, send billions in aid to hundreds of less fortunate nations and people worldwide, and always invest billions of dollars and years of work into rebuilding what was damaged or destroyed by us or others. What other nation in history has even come close to doing what we have done and continue to do in response to worldwide needs and requests for aid?

Their responses are usually long, weak, invoke fictional data, incorporate extremely foul language and are shouted loudly or typed in bold capital letters. But the content is void of any actual facts, no relevant rebuttal is included and they usually try to alter the original subject as a distraction. I am not sure whether this tactic is an intentional distraction or simply the unconscious attempt to avoid the possibility of truth or facts.

I do not understand the hate, though I have patiently tried.

Oh, and one other thing these angry people never mention in their George W. Bush, anti-American rants......John Kerry.

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