Thursday, October 12, 2006

Somebody Save the Democratic Party!!!

The American public cannot be expected to truly support Democratic candidates until the party unifies behind a solid, respectable platform. Double speak and double standards are a sure sign of weakness, confusion and overwhelming disorganization. We cannot demand equal treatment for gays, then turn around and accuse Republican candidates and officials of being closeted homosexuals. We cannot claim that disadvantaged black Americans are capable of excelling provided access to opportunity, then publicly and maliciously deride some of our most educated and successful examples as "Uncle Toms", "Sell-Outs" and "House Negros".

We cannot use select terms both respectably and derogatively at our choosing. What kind of message does such behavior truly display? These mixed messages are conflicting, confusing and disrespectful to all. Democrats claim to support both diversity and equality. Well.....which is it?

Why must the modern Democratic Party be perpetually negative? We are more likely to succeed if we choose to compete honestly and by directly confronting the issues. The Democratic Party must cease the practice of passively allowing the most radically left mouth pieces be their only public representatives.

The Democratic Party must do better. Whining complaints can be substituted with serious solutions. Name-calling can be dropped to make room for open, informed debate of critical issues. We need a viable two party political system. America deserves better.

Published in the Miami Herald on October 18, 2006.

Supporting President Bush and "His Boys"

In a letter published in the South Flroida Sun-Sentinel newspaper on October 9th, "Anti-terrorist boast," the writer states: "Let's not give [President] Bush and his boys credit for no terror attack since 9-11."

I cannot help but feel an extreme desire as well as responsibility to clarify his obvious confusion. As a proud U.S. veteran, I guess I should first establish my position as most likely qualifying as one of "his boys."

Although I cannot attest that this result was intentional, I certainly do believe that we are very fortunate that the Islamic terrorists have selected to focus their efforts on confronting our well-prepared military in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than pursuing innocent civilian targets here on our own soil. Claims that our successful efforts in the war on terror should not be applauded, but rather chalked up to the strategic mastery of terrorists themselves are both ridiculous and illogical.

While the terrorists have concentrated much of their energies on harassing our allies and military targets in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have not forsaken hopes of hitting us in the homeland. Our nation's intelligence and law enforcement operations have successfully thwarted several attacks. I have no doubt that additional plots are being planned and will be attempted by these evil forces.

War is not a pretty thing and no war has ever been scheduled to begin and end with the timing of some sporting event. War is sometimes necessary and usually unpredictable. We cannot abandon our efforts to battle this ideology that threatens us. Don't become overwhelmed by the sound bites and distractions continually tossed out by struggling politicians. Invest some time into researching the facts and actually developing your own, well-informed opinions.

God bless President Bush and all of "his boys."

Published in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on October 28, 2006.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pick Up An Issue And RUN!!!

Once again the Republican Party has sprung a successful October Surprise. The timing of former Congressman Foley's outing and resignation has completely distracted the Democrats from anything resembling an important or critical issue. Swallowing the hook, their most prominent babblers have responded with flailing accusations and ridiculous demands for the removal of any and all additional Republicans.

Why are Democratic leaders so easily led astray? Why do they fear and avoid the head-on addressing of serious issues? Even when Republican errors and other circumstances seem to deliver loaded weapons to their feet, most Democrats are wholly incapable of picking it up and responding the way you would expect. Certainly our nation faces enough threats and challenges that the Democrats can select a couple of prominent issues and attempt to address them directly. It is time to come to the American people with a solution rather than continually tossing forth only arguments and complaints that ultimately serve no useful purpose and only promote confusion, misunderstanding, distrust and even hate.

How can our country survive and progress with half of our representatives failing to truly represent? Simply working to preserve their own political viability and prolonging what should most probably be a short-term position actually provides no benefit to our nation, no representation for our citizens and, not surprisingly, ultimately disenfranchises constituents.