Saturday, April 9, 2005

A Sense of Pride

It is imperative that we focus on teaching and instilling a sense of pride, responsibility, and a pressing integrity to our youth today. The importance of these values must be highly stressed and their honor exemplified through both teachings and actions.

I do not believe that we should continue the degrading habits initiated in the 1980s in which we focused much too strongly on protecting self esteem rather than actually developing it. No child should be rewarded simply for showing up to school. Twelve to sixteen years of that will instill extremely obtuse and unrealistic expectations for a young adult entering the workplace. Children should be introduced to the realities of life from an early age. Competition should be encouraged along with the understanding that goals can be achieved through perseverance.

When you celebrate mediocrity you will never encourage the setting of goals and working for improvement that will actually enable a young person to progressively grow into a well-adjusted, productive and successful member of society.

Once again we are proving to be our own greatest enemy. Political correctness is a prime example. We try so hard not to offend that we end up pussy-footing around subjects and never make a point, criticism or positive suggestion. When you are afraid to speak out, your voice will never be heard. This by no means is my endorsement of overly insensitive or outright offensive behaviour. We should teach and live the golden rule throughout our lives. Teaching it to our kids and living the best example possible. Such behaviour can be contagious. Let courtesy guide you, help someone in need, be friendly, smile, wave, yield the right of way.