Sunday, September 19, 2004

Continuity is Key

Continuity is the key to America's brighter future through these challenging times. We have seen some incredibly tough times here in the United States over the past three years. We were all caught off-guard by the September 11, 2001 surprise attacks. Our government was not at all prepared for such an event, but in these past three years since we have made incredible progress. Our nation's economy has recovered at a very amazing. In the past year alone we've experienced an economic growth spurt of over 4.5%; that's as high as any year since the 1980s! This economy has created over 1.5 million new jobs in the past year alone. Home ownership is at a historical level of almost 70% of all US families and a new record high of over 50% of minority families nationwide. Every single one of these statistics is incredible when you recall the devastation our country has suffered so recently from the burst of the dotcom bubble, the recession beginning in the late 1990s, the despicable attacks on our innocents on 9/11/01, and our continuing global war on terrorism.

Our homeland is more secure than it has ever been due to increased attention, funding and overall awareness by citizens. We have developed new, stronger allies abroad and even received cooperation from old foes. Working with allied governments we have taken the fight to the terrorists, across multiple borders where they lurk and hide, employing both our unmatched military power and our continually improving intelligence operations. Many of those whom we identified as terrorist leaders and coordinators have been captured or were killed in our attempts to detain them. And by the grace of God we have not suffered another terrorist attack on American soil.

President George W. Bush has had to face obstacles and events unlike anything encountered by any American president before him ever. I believe that he has responded valiantly and has led us with integrity and fearlessness in the face of extreme adversity. His path has been a lonely one for the most part, but he has stayed the course nonetheless. Some might call it stubbornness, but I define it as decisiveness. President Bush's faith in doing what must be done to ensure the future of America is truly inspirational. His decisions are obviously formulated to enhance the long-term future of our nation rather than simply to cover his time in office. He focuses more on the preservation our country's freedoms rather than only having the shortsighted and selfish goal of seeing himself reelected for another term. Isn't this the type of man we desperately need to retain in the Oval Office? I believe that we must reelect President Bush to maintain the continuity of our current progresses. George W. Bush's steady leadership is imperative in these times of dramatic change.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

US Communist Party Supports John Kerry!!

Guess who else is endorsing John Kerry? The Communist Party of The United States of America, CPUSA, is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry.

No, this is not a read it correctly. The CPUSA has made available on its Web site an advertisement entitled "Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush." This advertisement can be downloaded and is available in English and Spanish. The communist party urges readers to place this ad in local newspapers throughout the country to defeat President Bush. Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like.

At first, it was thought "this was only a coincidence." The Democratic party of the United States couldn't be in lock step with the Marxists! So, the originator of this email wrote to a spokesman of the CPUSA in Georgia and here is part of the spokesman's letter:
"The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November." Next, it was discovered that one of Kerry's campaign themes is "Let America be America Again." This slogan was borrowed from a Communist poet, Langston Hughes. This is not common knowledge to the average American. "Let America be America Again" sounds good but is a rambling, gloomy poem. Interestingly, another poem by Langston goes as follows; "Goodbye, Christ Jesus, Lord, God, Jehovah, Beat it on away from here now. Make way for a new guy with no religion at all -- A real guy named Marx, communist, Lenin, Peasant, Stalin, Worker, ME -- I said, ME!"

Then, if this was not convincing enough that the Democratic party has lost it, a third even more disturbing discovery! A Vietnam vet group took a trip to Communist Hanoi to investigate a report that John Kerry was in the "Hanoi! Hall of Fame." Yes, there is a museum in Hanoi with a section dedicated to foreign activists who help defeat the United States Military in Vietnam. Of course, you would expect Jane Fonda's picture to be there. But, alas, there is John Kerry's picture shaking the hand of a communist official.

Never has there been such a tragedy! Never has there been such a threat to America! Has the Democratic Party has been taken over by the far, far left?

It's not only the communists, but the homosexual activists who are appalled that George W. Bush is married to a woman! They are enraged that the President wants a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage between a man and woman.

Then we have the ACLU running to a federal activist judge with every piece of legislation that doesn't fit into their leftist agenda. They support every Democratic socialist whim. The removal of the Ten Commandments is their top priority!

Want to read it for yourself? Visit the US Communist Party website read the propaganda, articles, mission statements and then decide for yourself.

Thursday, September 9, 2004

What Does John Kerry Stand For?

Does John Kerry know what the average American wants? Does he feel our concern regarding the evil people who threaten to destroy our liberty and way of life? Can he understand our concern about the future of our economy and the importance of making the recent tax cuts permanent? How about his comprehension of our desire to ensure a strong, safe, proud America for our children and grandchildren as well? What about our need to be making the difficult decisions now and sacrificing during these challenging times for the benefit of our great nation's prosperous and promising future?

I am afraid that John Kerry doesn't even seem to know himself. I do believe that he sincerely desires to be our president, but I do not know what he believes he can do for America. You don't get this most important job in the world by wanting it alone. Neither do you get it by pandering to every person and group or zigzagging down the highway of our nations political highway attempting to stay in the middle of the road on every issue. He needs to interview for the job, explain his vision and long-term plans for our country. What does he aim to overhaul, fix, improve and how will he go about doing it?

Flitting like a humming bird from each newly blossoming issue to the next shows no dedication. No willingness to question, study, learn, and ultimately inspires no faith in the voting population. The voter wants to feel some emotion and trust that his or her vote is important and can actually make a difference. The behavior thus far displayed by candidate John Kerry actually shows the people that he does not truly care about anything other that adding US President to his resume.

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Democrats Exposed!

Continually misunderestimated, our President George W. Bush has done it again! The Republican National Committee is holding its national convention in downtown Liberalville New York City. The Left has repeatedly questioned the wisdom of holding the Republican Convention in such a liberally biased location, yet once again they never failed to follow through with the thought and actually figure out what its all about. The Libs have planned all sorts of massive protests, marches, nude dances, as well as called for entertainment and transportation strikes, service personnel walk-outs, and even gone so far as to actually advocate civil disobedience! Why, they've even coordinated a cadre of attorneys offering pro-bono representation for anyone who will actually go far enough across the line of decency to have themselves arrested.

Wow! Can you just imagine where we might be if all of this inexplicable hate was focused into creative energy and applied to the positive improvement of our nation?? Tell you what...if these hate-mongers could possibly organize themselves, become truly informed of facts, introduce a candidate that excites the people rather than just someone who is "not Bush", then I might actually worry that they would present such a formidable opponent that doom would surely befall our great nation.

Democrats Hood-Winked and Exposed!!

Continually misunderestimated, our President George W. Bush has done it again! The Republican National Committee is holding its national convention in downtown Liberalville New York City. The Left has repeatedly questioned the wisdom of holding the Republican Convention in such a liberally biased location, yet once again they never failed to follow through with the thought and actually figure out what its all about. The Libs have planned all sorts of massive protests, marches, nude dances, as well as called for entertainment and transportation strikes, service personnel walk-outs, and even gone so far as to actually advocate civil disobedience! Why, they've even coordinated a cadre of attorneys offering pro-bono representation for anyone who will actually go far enough across the line of decency to have themselves arrested.

Wow! Can you just imagine where we might be if all of this inexplicable hate was focused into creative energy and applied to the positive improvement of our nation?? Tell you what...if these hate-mongers could possibly organize themselves, become truly informed of facts, introduce a candidate that excites the people rather than just someone who is "not Bush", then I might actually worry that they would present such a formidable opponent that doom would surely befall our great nation.